Farming Accidents

The State of Wisconsin is built on the farming industry. It is an enormous part of our State, both in a geographical sense and in terms of economics. Agricultural products account for millions of dollars in revenue for Wisconsin citizens and the State itself.

Farming is also a key factor in keeping our citizens employed. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, farms around the Lake Region of the U.S. (Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota) hired 57,000 workers during one week in April.

Because farming provides jobs, revenue and food for the entire country, it should be remembered that farmers are engaging in one of the most dangerous occupations in America. According to the National Safety Center, farming is one of the three most dangerous occupations in the country. Most Americans view farming as a rural occupation, but anyone who has spent any time on a farm can tell you the truth: Farming is industrialized work.

Farm equipment has blades, threshers, spokes, and fast moving parts, any one of which can, and have, caused amputations, mutilations, and the crushing of victims’ limbs. Despite years of experience and precautions, farming accidents still take place on a regular basis.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, tractor accidents are the number one cause of farming injuries, as they account for 44% of all farming accidents. Hazardous chemicals, such as pesticides and fertilizers, are also common causes.

Laufenberg, Stombaugh & Jassak, S.C.: Protecting the Rights of Farm Workers

The process of determining the cause of a farming accident requires a thorough investigation. It must be determined whether the injury occurred due to unsafe machinery or the negligence of another worker or farm operator. This process can be extraordinarily time consuming and expensive.   Laufenberg, Stombaugh & Jassak, S.C. will vigorously look out for your interests during the course of this investigation, while assisting you in filing for workers compensation, Social Security disability benefits, and Medicaid. If it can be determined that the accident was both preventable and not your fault, we will fight as hard as we can for just compensation for you and your family.

If you or a loved one has been injured or suffered a disability due to a farm accident, contact our offices for a free legal consultation today.